High sensitivity. Small footprint. Great performance. The complete analysis solution.


VapourSense is a custom-designed portable quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS) with a membrane inlet. It is used for analysis of vapour samples in air as well as for residual gas analysis..

Handheld DAPCI

DAPCI (Direct Ambient Pressure Chemical Ionisation) is a novel, handheld ambient ionisation source that can be used stand alone or coupled to a mass spectrometer for analysis a broad range of compounds..


Monitoring of water quality is a key issue worldwide. The provision of clean, safe drinking water is important to all communities, everywhere. AquaMMS is a portable mass spectrometer capable of..

Oil In Water Monitor

GO-800P series offers both domestic and internationally accepted laboratory analysis for on-site analysis of TPH/TOG/FOG in both water and soil applications, from trace to high oil concentration by measuring..

Smart Inlet Valves

This innovative new product is immediately available and can greatly assist in the introduction of ambient ions into a vacuum region for mass analysis. The industry leading pinch valves..

Heavy Metals In Water Analyser

OD-300P series is the most advanced and a completely automated analyser to detect and measure heavy metals in water. It is a fully portable spectrophotometer analyser for use in the field and laboratory..